Thursday, November 27, 2008

MastercamX3 MU1 to be released next week

CNC Software has announced that MastercamX3 Maintenance Update 1, that was due back in October is on schedule for release next week, and promises that a lot of issues has been fixed even a few enhancements have been added. The MU1 will be available for download on If your maintenance expired in October you will still be able to run MU1.


Anonymous said...

I have always found your comments on e-Mastercam very helpful. I'd like to see and know more about how you are using Mastercam for 4th axis tombstone work.

Jon Banquer

Lars Christensen said...

Thanks Jon, I will try to come up with something

Mojo said...

Quite a post here Lars. I did like the information on using the Design Binder. It is something that I tend to pass over just like the design library. I am going to request that our IT department Whitelist your blog so I can your blog at work. Now time to cut and paste your post of wisdom into my TiddlyWiki for reference. Thanks Lars, JRU_1962

Lars Christensen said...

Hi Rod, thank you so much for the kind words, I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving, and maybe someone gave thanks to you by making you coffee for once?

Anonymous said...


I'm interested to know your thoughts on solid cut part verification in Mastercam X3 for verifying multiple parts on a tombstone.

I'd also like to know how you go about adding new hot jobs into the exiting mix of your tombstone parts and what you have setup in SolidWorks and Mastercam to facilitate making this easier.

Jon Banquer