Sunday, December 28, 2008

This blog is on the move

2009 is going to be a year of a new beginning, moving in a better and happier direction so this blog is also going to move from this address to I will be copy posting on this blog for the 1st week or tw0 of the new year, but if you like what you read, please go to the new site and sign up for feed reader og email subsribtion.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Will James Bond call Solidworks next time?

Sony Ericsson who has supplied James Bond with cell phones in his last couple of adventures announced in the beginning of this month that they have purchased 20 seats of Solidworks Professional in a attempt to shorten product development time.

So maybe next time James Bond is in the situation where a hot girl need to reach him, or he just need to call mom, Q himself could have been using Solidworks.
And with Solidworks I off course would expect a cooler looking phone, especially if it is almost $300.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Software e-newsletter you actually want to read

It seems like every software company just have a lot of joy spamming your inbox with newsletters and such these days, so it was with a smile that I saw Mastercam had stuffed there newest version in my inbox. Just another advertising, flashy big lettered pdf, right?.............nope.

The topics in this "Mastercam Shop Talk" is actually useful tech tips, work around and advice. Here is a example that is in regards to Mastercam and Solidworks.

PDMWorks® and Mastercam PDMWorks—an application for SolidWorks® that is now called SolidWorks Enterprise
PDM—is a security vault that controls access to SolidWorks files. This vault lets you select
a file and open it with a program. If you try to open a file from within the vault with Mastercam, Mastercam crashes while opening the file. You must first check the file out of the vault, and then it can be opened with Mastercam. (TT0408)

Some of the other topics are:

Windows Updates and Google Earth interfere with Mastercam.

Resizing Full-screen Window.

Verifying with multiple stock options.

It is for maintenance customers only from next issue and forward, what should according CNC Software be send out quarterly (looking at there track record in regards to maintenance releases, we might see the next one in June 2009).

This is a great idea, how come you get your latest maintenance upgrade from your Cad/Cam provider and then its like they crawl back in there cave, resellers are struggling finding the answers and forums are crowded with questions and frustrations. This kind of newsletter actually makes you think that someone is alive in the other end, and this is cheap costumer support/service for the Cad/Cam provider to produce.

Link to the whole pdf

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A quick look outside the Mastercam world

We all know it can be hard finding the time to do much between shoveling snow and trying to pay the mortgage. That's why it is nice when someone else will do the leg work for you, just sit back and spend a quick 5 minutes exploring what else is going on a couple of places outside the Mastercam world with a cup of coffee.
1st. thing should be reading Al Deans article in the Develop3D Magazine, Mr.Dean have spend a day at Delcam Headquarters and reports back with a good read, check it out.

For some reason when I start thinking of other Cad/Cam packages beside Mastercam, Siemens always comes to mind. Here is a couple of short videos for you to check out.

CAD Express 6 Feature Based Modeling

CAD Express 6 Model Edit

CAD Express 6 Roughing

Coffee is gone, time to get back to work, but 5 minute break......arhh don't we all feel better now?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Solidworks Hole Alignment needs Re-Alignment

Enhancement request is made, and now the sound of crickets.
I do not want to trash, smack or smash Solidworks.
See this as a warning if you will, if I myself had come across a post similar to this one I would not have 26 assemblies with 518+ components in each, that I now need to revise.
Solidworks makes it clear in there help file in regards to the limitations of the Hole Alignment tool, but in a software geared torch speed and ease by using tools as Copy, Pattern and Mirroring, it is essential that the tools provided to help you check your design is up for the task.

My example of this is 2 blocks on top of each other where the left holes has been pattern in the X+ direction with 1/8 difference, and the Hole Alignment tool do not recognize it.

I hope this post will help raise a flag so new users do not make the same mistake I did, and if you agree with me, do me a favor and make a enhancement request for this tool to be at Solidworks 2009 standards on the Costumer Portal.
Thank you and Sincerely
Lars Christensen

Friday, December 5, 2008

Call 911 my Hotkeys are on fire!! Part2

Alright, Part2, Mastercam Hotkeys.
I could make a long list of things that I would like CNC Software to re-write or improve, and the "Operator Manager " is defiantly somewhere where I have some wishes.
But if you added a couple of Hotkeys to "Regenerate operations", "Backplot" and "Verify" That might just make things a little better?

We gotta open Explore and locate our *.kmp file in the Mastercam Config file, and open it with something like Wordpad.

Scroll down to the bottom and add the lines circled in red. Then save and close the file (You should make a backup,"really?" well yeah you should".

And BAM! you just added
3)"Regen Selected Operations"=F7
4)"Regen Dirty Operations"=F8

That's it, all I got on Hotkeys, hope it helps someone out there.

Call 911 my Hotkeys are on fire!! Part1

If you are using more than 10 different Hotkeys on a regular basis in Solidworks or Mastercam I would not blame you for speed reading through this blog post.
However if you are a Mastercam Hotkey user I would pay attention to the part 2 of this blog post. because I might just introduce you to a couple of Hotkeys that might just make your day.

If you do not use Hotkeys on a regular basis, then you might want to take 5 min. and continue reading.
Hotkeys are keyboard shortcuts, and most window based programs are capable of using standard Hotkeys. Windows XP has plenty, here is a list Windows Hotkeys.
So why should we pay attention to use them in the CAD/CAM world? There are 2 main reasons.
1) Speed, think about it, if you are one of those people who are "Aim, Point, mouse click" for every thing you do, then your left hand are in your lap while 104 keys on your keyboard are untouched.
2)Your health, if you have made it to a position where you use a computer more that 4 hours a day the statistic is that you are going to increase the use of a computer every year until retirement, you are going to put a lot of wear and tear on the mouse clicking hand.
Here is my trick, when I am working along and I think "Wow I just used that feature 2 sec ago" I know it is time to setup a Hotkey, and both Mastercam and Solidworks has some pretty easy tools to do this, the trick is when you setup a Hotkey to have a word document where you quickly can added the code, then you can print it out and tape it to the edge of the monitor, and maybe also take 30 sec to see if you could clear out some space by might delete an old Hotkey you have not use in a couple of weeks.

Lets start with Solidworks.

Go to customize.

1)Click tap for keyboard.
2)Make sure "Only show commands with shortcuts assigned" is NOT checked
3)Type in you new Hotkey
4) Just want to point out that you can have more than one Hotkey assigned for the same function.
I also want to point out that if you purchase something like a SpaceNavigator from 3DConnexion you will need to use Hotkeys to customize the programmable buttons.



Now this is a little different than Solidworks.
1)You need to pick your Category
2)Pick the function icon you want to add your Hotkey to.
3)Type in you new Hotkey
4)Also here like in Solidworks you can have more than one Hotkey assigned
5)And just make sure you save it, forget it and you have to do it over.

You really need to do yourself the favor and play around with Hotkey's if you haven't, its a little like learning a 7 year old what hand you hold the fork, it takes some practice, but down the road it will pay off big time.

Part 2 is coming up in a few hours.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

MastercamX3 MU1 is ready for download

It was scheduled for October 31st but according to CNC Software they had some things they wanted this Maintenance Update release to include, and if you where current on your Maintenance agreement up to the month of October, you should be good to download from

Milling enhancement is accordingly to CNC Software.
The new "Arc Filter" that was introduced in X3 is now default instead of 2nd option.
"Feature Based Machining" will now let you sort operations.
Increased spot drill size.
Cutter compensation is added to peel mill.

Lathe enhancement is
VTL Tool libraries in inch and metric
Iscar tool library

The Adobe file at this point to me looks like it jumps over to the old "Whats new in X3" from this point, however I know from beta that a whole lot of bugs should have been taken care of. Lets the games begin so come on lets download and program.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Store your scribble and notes in Solidworks

My reseller told me that it is rare he see people actually using the Design binder, and checking some Solidworks file I have received, it is true that people are defiantly not writing there life stories in them, (what might be all good), however new Soldiworks users should know its existence(it can easily hide on you).
You can say that the design binder is like one of those old metal filling cabinets, but before we are going into detail, lets make sure it is turned on.
Go to Options=>System Options=>Feature Manager and set the drop down menu next to "Design binder" to "Show". This should make the Design binder visible at the top of the feature manager tree.
When hitting the '+' sign on the design binder you will find it contains a design journal that is a Microsoft Word document that is intended to be used as a engineering journal. The Design Journal contains heading for File Name, Description, and Material, you can also paste an images of you model. The rest is a place you could scribble your thoughts and prayers doing the design process such as "Check valve pressure before AX226 is added"or "check supplier for package material".
The Journal is customizable, mine is located
C:\Program Files\Solidworks\lang\english=>journal.doc
By placing the cursor where you want your link and go "Insert"=>"Field"
You will get the Field Manager where if you scroll to "DocProperty" in Field Name, you will get a list of Field Properties there are linked back to your Solidworks Custom Properties.
The picture below is just a basic Design Journal, with a image pasted on there.
Another cool thing about the Design binder is the capabilities to attach or link documents right to your Solidworks file. Right click on the binder and choose attach.
As you can see on the picture above this works for all file types, and double click will actually open them, even your Mastercam file. This is a good way to organize and keeping handy the different documents and files that belong in relation to your assembly or model.

Mastercam do not currently offer anything like this, however there is a company named Verisurf that have made a free add on that lets you store notes inside a file in style with "notepad" it can be downloaded from if you register (You have to provide Sim number to join).
It is never a bad idea getting in a habit of leaving yourself or better yet people who is going to fellow up on your work some notes, and the Design binder could be a perfect place to start, now off course the next step would actually be getting people to look in it.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

MastercamX3 MU1 to be released next week

CNC Software has announced that MastercamX3 Maintenance Update 1, that was due back in October is on schedule for release next week, and promises that a lot of issues has been fixed even a few enhancements have been added. The MU1 will be available for download on If your maintenance expired in October you will still be able to run MU1.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Who dare talking about money?

Me, fact is that many bigger companies have a budget running from calender year to calender year, and that means time is almost up, and before I show you what I purchased this past year let me just say that I work in a company where the IT yearly budget is calculated from leftover quarters in the coffee can, well that is not true (Its work in progress) but a few years back I was talking about graphics cards and got a list of $50 to $100 graphics cards and was asked which one I wanted, if I back then had said what I really wanted there would have been a lot of laughter, not so much more but I still don't have it, yep work in progress. So when it came to do minor IT purchases this past year, I took matter in own hands, 1st of all I was sick and tired of using a $15 Dell mouse so I bought the mother of all mouses, thinking that I am the one using it every day, and if I got fired I would just take it with me. Well SAVE YOU RECEIPT because the next day when the boss saw this awesome mouse he crapped his pans and told me that he hoped I had the receipt because he would gladly pay for it, not claiming that this will work for you, but hey if not then at least you have the cool gadget.
So here is what I bought, and I tell you ........ if you buy these and are not satisfied I'm almost willing to buy them back from you. I can not explain how happy I have been with these 3 items I am going to show you, they have really made my work day with Mastercam and Solidworks so much better.

1) MX Logitech mouse, this thing has 5 programmable buttons, I got like "S" key in Solidworks, Isometric and top views in both Mastercam and Soldiworks, I can jump to "Desktop"....... pure awesome.
Here is the link to MX Mouse

2) 3Dconnection SpaceNavigator, this thing is just as awesome as the mouse, wow you are like working in another universe, this model has also programmable buttons, I got "Measure" in bought Mastercam and Solidworks, again the "S"key in Solidworks and "Level Manager" in Mastercam.
Here is the link to 3DConnection

3) Last thing is the mouse pad for true CAD/CAM guy, not those cheap once with a kitty on them. Kinda funny that you don't realize how importen this thing is until you have tried this one.
The link to Razer

I realize that the picture I stole from the web do not do these product justices., but in my opinion they are every dollar worth.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hinge Mate, I don't use hinges!

Well me either, but I sometimes do add toolbox components in a assembly and here this feature could safe you some time. By the way this is a SW2009 feature so if you have not upgraded, well why not?.
There is a restriction to this feature, you can not mate your component to two different features, but since I have the feel that this hinges-mate went a little under the radar at the roll-outs and I wanted to also add Solidworks stuff to this block, I am hoping that if I'm not showing, then at least remind you of this feature, enough talk lets go.

1) A block with a counterbored and an a toolbox component.
2) Open the Mate menu as you normally would, but choose mechanical mates and then hinge.

3)Purple and green, so pretty colors, somehow I really would like to see mate do something similar to this hinges feature in the future, where you could pick 3 different sides and then execute on the green check mark.4)No doubt this is easier, maybe something in works for better mates in the future? beware that in the feature tree under mates it does show "hinge"
So there was my 1st blog post strictly Solidworks related, not earth breaking I am aware, but hey gotta crawl before you can walk, right? so until next time, please stay tuned

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Use your Solidworks file to verify in Mastercam

If you import Solid models into Mastercam and you are not using them for verify, then you are missing on a cool feature, more than once this has saved me the hassle of re-programing a part because I forgot to drill a hole or clear a feature.
1st. picture is just a preview of the solid and stock display turned on.
Next step is to verify our program and save the *.STL file.
Now we need to setup the stock definition to use the saved STL file as stock, and turn Display on.
You will clearly see where the 2 pockets are machined and where stock still is remaining, my blue square is a typical example of me saying "oh yeah I need to clear the corners ;-)".
Try it, it is pretty easy habit to get into and you can not have enough tricks up in your sleeve to get the job done right the 1st time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2 Mastercam Users and 1 Computer

So you work in a place where you have to share you Mastercam seat with another user, and he do not share very well?
It is not uncommon especially in smaller machine shop, though that this trick is not fully customizable, it maybe stop a fight from breaking out. We are going to setup 2 icons on the desktop.
We have in this example 2 users, Dora and Pete. Dora like her background purple and Pete like his gradient plus also he likes the grid turned on.
So basically all we have to do is making a new config file and tighten that into a shortcut on the desktop.
1) Go setting=>Configuration (Alt=F8) Then Start/Exit and then press the save button in bottom left corner.
2)Type the name you want to save your config as (look!Pete has already saved his).
So now we have two new named config files in our config folder in our Mastercam directory (In case you want to know where they are).
3)Last thing we need to do is make 2 shortcuts on the desktop, right mouse click and pick "Properties" and type the names in "".
Try it, it might make the day less stressful.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Solidworks 2009 into MastercamX3

Not many hours goes by from I realize that a new download is available from Solidworks or Mastercam before it is installed on my work PC, not because I am a dare devil but because I kinda have sold myself to the boss as the "latest and greatest" type of personality.
When MastercamX3 and Solidworks 2009 was installed I started importing files, and found the same problems I had reported as bugs to Solidworks back in MastercamX2 (Did not expect these fixed because I handed them in late) some of the pattern features would not show up in Mastercam.
I found out that a lot of people have had serious problems with MastercamX3 and Solidworks 2009 running together, and supposedly the statement from Mastercam is that Solidworks 2009 actually official do not run inside MastercamX3 (Guess my little Dell Dimension 1 GB Machine, just felt sorry for me).
But it can be fixed, it just take 5 min of manual labor from your side.
When you installed Solidworks 2009 SWDocumentMgr.DLL was installed on your hard drive(This is the file MastercamX3 needs), you want to copy this file
and paste it into you Mastercam folder (rename the old one just for security matters)
That should do it, you have now done what Mastercam is going to do in there next maintenance release, pretty easy right?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lego upgrading to NX6

Mastercam is pointing out that Siemens NX is the 2nd in the world of installed seats for CAD/CAM software (Mastercam is off course #1), so in a attempt to be a little serious I have to admit that I have been following some blogs of Mastercams enemy number 1.
This interview is with Lego's Klaus Gorm Jensen, where he explains how Lego is doing there move from one version to another, interesting to hear how a big company deals with that kinda stuff.
Lego clicks with NX6

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sir, we have discovered the black box!!

Mastercam X3 has now been installed on my work and home PC for about a month, I have played with "Feature Based Machining", Imported solids from Solidworks 2009 and programmed new parts for our production department. I have to say, that the software has been running pretty smooth.....................I kinda wish it would CRASH
Nuts? Yeah I know, but see about 10min after I had installed version X3 something caught my attention in the lower right corner of the screen, "Mastercan Event Log".
To say this thing is the best thing in the new version makes me feel ridicules, but I got to say that I have been wondering why I have not come across something like this with other softwares, I do not believe it is just because I have been locked in a cave for the past years, this is something that all major softwares should have..........a black box.
This event log is just so darn simple, nothing fancy and that's cool. Mastercam keeps a log of events that include error messages and executed functions, timing information, part names, and more. The log runs independent of Mastercam, which means that if Mastercam closes suddenly due to an unexpected error, you still have a chance to do a little investigation on what the heck happened. The log will be stored for 7 days before "destroyed". The nice thing is it runs unnoticeable in your task bar, just make a "right" click and a simple information window opens up.
Question is, should other programs take this idea? Solidworks? does other programs have this already?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Work Flow is THAT imporent!

For years I have been using the Nascar/F1 speech in front of my operators. "You think that Jeff Gordons crew ever forgot to check the oil level or tire pressure before a race?" why should they be held to a higher standard than you? If you run a CNC machine do me a favor, check the coolant level, check the maintenance screen, period!.
So what about you? you a racer? No not a race fan, but are you set up for speed?
You can spend thousands of dollars on upgrading the work station you work on, but it is not just about that, its also about finding a way to increase your personal work flow with the software you are using. If you are a race fan you know how the race car driver is always looking for the best grip for his race car, simply trying to figure out how the car can go a little faster.
There is a billion websites how you can maximize your performance on you computer, RAM, Muti-core, defrag bla bla bla. When you get to the specific software you are using your selection gets a little smaller, the Solidworks community has a great numbers of bloggers who are has made some great post in regards maximize your work flow. One of them is by Josh Mings, even if you are not a Solidworks user you will love his Friday smackdown, where he points you in some great, sometimes mysteries corners of the web.
Recently there was a post on Solidsmack called "Set it UP, Killer Solidworks Interface, Better Workflow" The post blog gives a handfull of great tips on increasing your work flow, check it out for your self

The "S"key in Solidworks is a great simpel function. If you forgot about it, or never even knew about.........well you might just been running the last 48 laps in 2nd gear. Here is the trick, delete all your toolbars including all the default settings in your "S"key menu. (Wow suddenly there is alot of screen to work with, huh?) Now you just start adding functions by hitting the "S"key => Right click and add the function to the menu as you are going on with your work, you are now only having the functions on the screen that you are using.
Now being a Mastercam user (have to remember to suggest the "S"Key to CNC Software) would this be useful?, well yeah off course, actually you can say that Mastercams interface looks pretty cluttered on default.
I would recommend you to try two different ideas with Mastercam, just because they are a little different animal than Solidworks.
1st is the Nicorette version, we are keeping 1 toolbar, but just like in Solidworks only adding the functions we use.
This will make you stop squeezing over all those buttons you never use anyways. 2nd is the cold turkey, where we clean it all up, Right click on the menu portion, clear all the check marks for the different toolbars, and go into customize
then it is simply just "drag and drop" into your right mouse button.
The "Separator" on the left side is going to make things a little more organized, the final result is that you just opened up a lot of extra work space, and less mouse moving.
This is off course just a small part on what you can do to increase your work flow, but by taking this 1/2 step back you can step 2 forward pretty quick. The truth is that Jon Hirschtick (Solidworks) and Mark Summers (Mastercam) Don't know better than you what functions and in what order you use the icons, that's why they made them customizable, and you should really take the time to play with it a little. Work flow is that importen.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Should Mastercam "X" follow Solidworks"2009"?

The idea was posted on enhancement forum, that CNC Software would change the version name on Mastercam from X(+number) to "a" year like Solidworks and other CAD software does.
To give a quick background on Mastercam version numbers. Mastercam ran a version going up to Mastercam9 that ran in a DOS environment, here is a screenshot of Mastercam8.

Then it was time to make the big leap to a new interface named MastercamX
Well some CAD people did pay attention in school and the number system of the great people of Rome, so MastercamX quickly became Mastercam10 in a lot of places, in the beginning this did not seem to bother people but as the subject regards to Mastercam11 was raised, so people on the inside began to let the air out that next version would be MastercamX1, MastercamX2 etc.
As MastercamX3 has just been released the question has been requested that CNC Software changing the name from MastercamX4 to possible MastercamX 2009. Two reasons was brought up for this.

1) People care about this product, and just like there favorite car, they can not stand people don't call the software by the right name.
2)By changing the name to MastercamX 2009 or totally taking the "X" out and making it Mastercam 2009, will make the name in the same category as Solidworks, Autocad even rival Esprit.

To me the whole thing comes down to what is the name chance do or not do for me as a user.
Solidworks 2008 was send out in the fall of 2007, according to a lot of users this version was "worst ever", a pre-version of 2009 there was released in September 2008. Could it be possible that because Solidworks are on a "yearly" schedule with versions, they felt it necessary to release 2008? When the company I work for decided to upgrade there Mastercam seats in December 2007 MastercamX2 was the current version, but MastercamX3 was promised to hit the streets early 2008. MastercamX3 was available for download in September 2008, and no one was really complaining.
I know that maintenance is due yearly, and that management expect a yearly version, but us users knows that we have enough crap on our hands daily, it makes no sense getting un-tested versions on our desks, and we gladly would wait 18 months to get something actually useful. Are we really afraid that the software companies are going to stall on us for 6 months just because they can? as McCain would say "Friends" technology is moving so fast now a days, these CAD/CAM companies need to bring there best to survive.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Solidworks or Mastercam, It dosn't matter, Do it right

It is strange how many people who work with computers on a daily basis seems to be leaning torch becoming more and more lazy, instead of using the new and better technology to make them self better.
I have seen people lose there job because of poor data recording, sometimes other people need to look at you file, Jack!
I came across a Solidworks file this week that looked a lot like this.
The part name was pretty useless to help identifying the part, there was no information in the design binder, and the feature names like "body" is totally unacceptable, and yeah lets not name patterns or holewizards either. There is a feature to turn on to be prompted for naming new features in the configurations you know, right?

Now this stuff also goes for Mastercam, actually here it becomes critical that these features gets recorded, and it is you responsibility. So before we go any further, make sure you check your configurations against the following.
1)Toolpath Manager, anything with the word "Manager" in it is worth paying attention to.

2)Have Machine group be the name of you machine, that way it is easy to always know what you are working with.

3)Toolpath group should be a defined name, a good one! like "Backside Flange, Operation 1". Having the Machine group being the machining center you are working on, and a good defined Toolpath group, most people should have an idea on where about in the shop and where about on the part they are working.

4)NC File, come up with the file name now, before you make 1st. toolpath, gotta stay focused and think ahead.
Now with that straighten out, every time you start programing a part you will have 1) Clearly that we are working on the Matsuura HP300 and that it is Lars who is programing, and 2)you can type in a toolpath group name. You have become better at data recording already with really having to work for it.

Now with a toolpath group name it is time to take the time to set things up for our part, so we can be promoted some day, and our follower can be amazed with our data information. And trust me we do want to do this, if you do not do this on every single file from now one, you should be go into "File"
1)Write in the program number, if you don't do it know, you will forget about it, and you will not remember until after you have posted out your NC code, what mean you will have to go back and redo it, that's being lazy and wasting time, right?
2) Pick a material, even if you are not going to use Mastercams build in feeds and speeds calculator, the file will now have the info what material to use, and if creating a setupsheet from the file data you can draw the info from here.
Last thing before making toolpath would be "stock setup" and there is no reason not to take the time to also set this up correct.
1) Just want to point out that I also gave my WCS a user defined name when I created that. New view(8) doesn't count.

2) by clicking "all solids" I don't even have to worry about what the actually dimension are of my block.

3)Looking at the Solidworks file from earlier, you will see the dimensions are coming from "Upper Left Corner" so I want to program from this datum, and of course also have my stock origin there. Clicking on any of the the corners in the little graphics field, will move the black arrow.

4)Lastly I will click on my actually part to define where the stock origin is compared to the WCS.

These steps are critical to be considered skilled at what you do, some information should by law always be handy.